Pray Schwiiz!

Rosary around Switzerland

Day of Prayer: What to Expect
While the rosary will always be the center of the prayer this day, specific programs will vary from site to site. The program for each site is the decision of the religious leading the prayer and the site organizer, and will be tailored to fit the specifics of the prayer site. Past programs have included:
A Rosary said in private homes by those who cannot travel. Many such people pray along with the rosary programs broadcasted by Catholic radio and tv stations that day.
A special Rosary said before or after a parish Mass (typically on Sunday, but could be on Saturday evening as well).
The intentions of Rosary around Switzerland added to a regularly scheduled Rosary said in a Monastery, Kloster or other religious organization.
A Rosary said by a regularly scheduled group (typically on Sunday, but other near-by days are acceptable if Sunday is not reasonably possible).
A Rosary said in-front of the Blessed Sacrament in an Adoration Chapel.
A special prayer service on Sunday afternoon which would include any number of faithful, reverent practices up to and including a Eucharistic or Marian procession.

While it might be desirable for all to pray in a similar manner and format, this is just not possible. Keeping in mind the maxim, “The best prayer is the one said” Pray Schwiiz! wishes to encourage site promoters to create the best, most reverent, most accessible program possible for the greatest number of people.
Whatever the program, we should keep in mind the four parts of our intercessory prayer:
Glory/praise/ adoration to our God,
Thanksgiving of everything in our lives,
Repentance for we are all sinners, and then
Intercession- we pray the rosary for our prayer intensions.
Pray Schwiiz! asks every site to acknowledge all four elements and not “just” say a rosary. These need not be overly burdensome nor excessively consume time.
Below is an outline of a more extensive program which would typically be held in the afternoon. We include it here to help give site organizers ideas that might enhance the prayer experience of those attending their prayer site.
The Pray starts promptly at 2:30 p.m.
The first three parts of the intercessory pray (Adoration, Thanksgiving & Repentance) shall take place in the Church.
The Priest at each location will choose those specific elements that address these first three parts of the prayer.
Included might be the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
At 3:00 p.m. the Priest shall lead the group in the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
The next part of the Day of Pray is the Rosary.
The Priest then leads the group in reciting the rosary. The Glorious Mysteries will be said.
It will be decided beforehand by the Site Organizer and the Priest where and how the rosary shall be said: in the Church, procession, at a location outside, etc.
At the conclusion of the rosary, the Priest blesses the people and the prayer service is concluded.
The total length of the service should not exceed 1-1/2 hours.
For the specific program for each site, if available, can be found by going to the map of Switzerland on this website, finding your specific site, left click the site and a pop-up will occur which will give you contact information of someone who can give you more specific information.