Pray Schwiiz!

Rosary around Switzerland

About the Event
Rosary around Switzerland is a Catholic, rosary-based intercessory prayer event to be held at Catholic churches and institutions throughout Switzerland on Sunday 5 October 2025. On this day we shall be asking Our Lady to take our prayers to her son Jesus for our three requests: for our country Switzerland and its people, for all the peoples of the whole world and for Holy Mother Church. It is not our purpose to make our prayer requests more specific, rather we turn everything over to our Mother, knowing she will know much better than ourselves how to use and apply the benefits of our prayers. We entrust everything to Mary and we leave it up to her what the fruits of these prayers will be. We shall try to be more like children.
In 2025 we would ask participants to add two additional prayer intentions. Please pray for peace in the world and secondly, we would like to suggest that
participants offer a consecration prayer to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for themselves and their families.
The prayer events of Rosary around Switzerland are based on the general formula of intercessory prayer. Simply stated, intercessory prayer is when we pray/ask for something from God. However, intercessory prayer is more than just asking. First we must “set the stage” and prepare ourselves before we ask.
Intercessory prayer has four parts: glory/praise/ adoration, thanksgiving, repentance and then the request for intercession. So this day of prayer is more than simply saying a rosary, as noble as that act is. It is to pray upwards and inward to our God in a full and complete way.
“The Rosary is the weapon for these times.”
— St. Padre Pio
"Say the Rosary every day to bring peace to the world . . . "
—Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima
“When people say the Rosary together, it is far more formidable to the devil, than one said privately. Because in this public prayer, it is an army that is attacking him. He can often overcome the prayer of an individual, but if this prayer is joined to other Christians, the devil has much more trouble in getting the best of it.”
—St. Louis de Montfort