Pray Schwiiz!

Rosary around Switzerland

What next?
By you participating in Rosary around Switzerland you have shown in a very concrete fashion your love and concern for not only you and your family and friends, but for Switzerland, its people and for the people of the whole world. You have done something many faithful people do not do enough of- pray for not just you and your immediate family and friends, but for people in a much, much wider context. It is our duty to do so. Every single human being was created in the image and likeness of God, and He desires so intensely that each person decide to spend eternity with Him. While it is the decision of each soul as to how they wish to respond, we can be of immense assistance by praying for them. Who knows, perhaps by your prayers God will use them to save one of His precious soul/souls. Pray and trust in Him.

Trusting is a lot easier said than done for many given the current situation of the world. The signs of the times are everywhere, and they no longer speak in whispers. One only has to look around at the community and society in which they live, much less be even remotely connected to the news of the world to know the seriousness and danger of the times. What is the proper response of a faithful Catholic? Where is the safest place to be?
For us all, we must be firmly located on the ship of Peter, the Church lead by the Pope, the Vicar of Christ. And, this Church though battered from within and without, shall ultimately find its safe refuge firmly tied to the two pillars of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. There is no other way. This was the dream of St. Don Bosco and should give all great comfort, even in stormy seas. Jesus said the ship will survive, but He did not say the waters will be smooth.

So, what next then? Pray Schwiiz! would like to make several personal suggestions of you to consider:
Consecrate yourself and your family: There are numerous wonderful consecration prayers to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and/or the Sacred Heart of Jesus. By giving yourself to them, they will come to your aid with protection and that what you need when you most need it. Remember, our primary fight is not against physical enemies, but much more importantly, spiritual ones.
Frequent Holy Mass: There is no more powerful prayer than the Holy Mass. Obviously, the Sunday Mass obligation is mandatory of Catholics, but what keeps one from going more frequently? Perhaps your current walk of life prevents you from daily Mass attendance, but why not decide to go one extra day a week. Padre Pio said the earth would endure better without the sun than without the Holy Mass.

Always be in a State-of-Grace, go to Confession regularly: The Church requires all to go to the Sacrament of Confession once per year. But, why not go more often? This sacrament is the most underutilized of all the sacraments, and consequentially so many people needlessly face the problems of this world without the armor given by this wonderful sacrament. Not only can one’s sins be forgiven, but you receive God’s grace to help you avoid sin in the future.

Adoration: Spending time with the Lord, the prisoner of love in the Holy Eucharist held in all the tabernacles of the world, will benefit you and yours not only in this life, but in the next. Spend time with your Creator who loves you passionately and so tenderly wishes your company. Start by trying to go to Adoration once a week, or even once a month if need be. Just start.
Pray the Rosary: It has been said by more than a few saints that there is no more powerful prayer than the Rosary of Our Lady. And, if you are consecrated to her, one of her promises is she will “make up” anything that is lacking or not perfect in your prayer before giving it to her Son. Any more reasons needed to be consecrated to her? Start by praying a rosary a day, or if that is too difficult, start with a single decade. Again, just start.

Penance: This is not as fearful as it might first seem. Maybe give up or eat a smaller meal once a week and give the money that would have been spent to the poor, or if you like TV, beer, chocolate- give that up once a week. Or, maybe if you are stuck in bad traffic and you are getting upset, catch yourself and give this suffering to Jesus with a brief prayer of love. Then forget about it . . . don’t take back what you have given. Small penances with great love are powerful indeed.
Should you need any further assistance in your personal “What’s next?” or just want to talk to someone in a very open, non-judgmental way, you are welcome to contact us a Pray Schwiiz! via our email. We would be honored to assist you. You and us are all on exactly the same journey.